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Global Geulah Prayer/ Proclamation
To our dear Father in Heaven,
Our sages teach that the Redemption will only come when the Jewish people pray for the return of three things: the rule of G-d, the kingship of the House of Dovid, and the rebuilding of the Bais Hamikdosh. Therefore, we, the Bnai Yisrael, request of you, Master of the world, to return the Shechina back down into this world in Her full glory, so we can fulfill the words of your Holy Torah and connect to You with Your Holy Mitzvos.
We cry out from the bottom of our hearts; Shema Yisroel Ado-nai Elo-heinu Ado-nai Echod! Hashem Melech! Hashem Moloch! Hashem Yimloch L’Olam Vo’ed! We request of You, King of the Universe, to fulfill the promise to grant us our physical King, Melech HaMoshiach, the descendantof Dovid Malka Mishicha, to instill the fear of Heaven upon us, and bring us close to the ways of Your Holy Torah. We stand humbly before You, ready and prepared through the service of all preceding generations, to wholeheartedly accept the kingship of Melech Hamoshiach upon us.
We proclaim as one: Dovid Melech Yisroel Chai V'kayom! Yechi Hamelech! We implore You, to restore the Holy Temple in which Your Shechina resides, so we can once again fulfill the Holy Service in the Bais Hamikdosh. We declare our heartfelt prayer: Yehi Ratzon Milfonecha Ado-nai Elo-heinu V'Elo-hei Avoseinu Sheyibone Bais Hamikdash BimheiraV'Yomeinu V'Sein Chelkeinu B'Sorasecha! We firmly declare our fervent desire for all these, together with the immediate ingathering of all Jewry to our Holy Land, witnessing the end of Galus forever!
Ad Mosai! We Want Moshiach Now!